
Sicherheitswahn: Is technology or law the better therapy against the erosion of privacy

Jungdemokraten / Junge Linke (A left wing political youth organization that is not officially related to a political party in germany) started a project called Safer Privacy. As part of the project Constanze Kurz (Chaos Computer Club – CCC) and Jan Schallaböck (Datenschutzzentrum Schleswig-Holstein) were invited to talk about the state of affairs in privacy. The topic has been discussed extensively in recent media art festivals and other gatherings of that kind, but the mainstream public discussion is somewhat behind. According to Constance Kurz, CCC has identified hype and panic creation as an important tool used by the political forces whose agenda it is to implement new security and surveillance technologies. Despite being very critical of this kind of media manipulation, CCC is considering applying similar strategies to fight the erosion of privacy. Kurz also pointed out that security technologies and laws that get implemented often do not improve the security situation at all or address problems that hardly exist. Scientific research proving this is, according to Kurz, often held back until laws have passed parliament.